
The Perpetuation of the Screenhead

The past six months, I have been on a quest to rid my school of "screenheads." A screenhead is a student who is so thoroughly engrossed in his screen (phone or computer) that he's lost sight of the real world that's occurring around him. This can manifest in hours on a video game or just a few seconds on snap chat.

Needless to say, our students transform into screenheads more often now than ever before. Smart phones and high speed internet are ubiquitous. The straw that broke this camel's back was the amount of times I walked through the cafeteria and witnessed students eating with their right hand and scrolling their phone with their left hand, oblivious to their friends. So, I launched a campaign to raise awareness about the perils of screenheading. I wanted to 1) get students to be more conscious about the amount of time they spend on screens; 2) think critically about whether or not their time spent on screens was productive; 3) inspire positive peer pressure whereby students helped each other avoid the addiction of screens; and 4) locate and help the students whose addiction was so bad that it couldn't be cured with some nudges from faculty and fellow students. Below are some of my takeaways.